Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another GREAT night of Entertainment at ROM

Hi Folks,

   A bit belated welcome and thanks to all that were able to join the many of us at ROM on 11-8-10 for a fabulous Feature with Chuck Williams. Our thanks for all Chuck did for our evening filled with Spoken Word and Music from many first timers and friends we had not seen in quite some time! Our ROM Community seem s to be expanding so wonderfully. We have no one else but each and every one of you to thank for that! WE would like to welcome first timers of, Ashley Jordan, Cheryl Perreault & The Bourgeois Hobo's to our ROM stage and family. I know I am leaving out a few others that were new to ROM that evening but I left my roster book at my office in another location. A welcome back to our dear friend Ellen Schmidt and Maury! Please remember our next exciting and upcoming ROM will be held on 11-22-10 and our Features will be the wonderful Mary Pratt & Terence Hegarty. Please come out and join us all to support and enjoy Mary & Terence along with the many ever expanding group of before and after the Feature Open Mikers at ROM! Our thanks too to Harvey Rudman for kicking off our show at 7PM and for all of you that stayed until the very end to enjoy all that went on and also assisted with the chair put away and the room clean-up at the very end! To those of you that may have missed this past Venue please come on out to the next as our door is always Open. WE have sign-up for the Random draw beginning at 6PM. Mike Delaney always does his exciting HOUR of his "Practice Session" from 6-7. We do our Random draw at 6:45, announcements at 6:55 and begin a 7PM. After our Random draw for order, any and all are welcomed and encouraged to swap with those that may wish or need and earlier or a later slot. Our dear friend Jesse came and did a great duet with Bill Duncan with an impromptu Harp & guitar jam, always exciting! There were many that added there songs of Tribute to the upcoming Veterans day including Roland Blair  and Randall Kromm. Being just Post our national elections there were many tunes attributed to the outcomes! Please do come and join us whenever possible and watch our website at:
Please tell others all about our new Blog and my intent for this Blog as a means as a dialog from within our ROM Family to each other and those new to the Community! Thanks for being such a vital and important part of this designed for the Art's , Roslindale Open Mike Community Blog! Thanks again and see you soon, Always, Neal Braverman :))


  1. Well put, Neal. And now we finish out the year with "couples nights": Mary Pratt and Terence Hegarty on 11/22/10 and Trisha and Phil Knutsen on 12/13/10. And watch for the announcement of the 2011 features coming soon.

  2. Mike and Neal,
    I just got back from NERFA and found the email link to this blog. You folks sure know how to do it! The evening I FEATURED was a blast and I think we all had fun singing the songs!
    And as for Open Mic's...well, you guys set the bar high, very well are builing a community and that is a very good thing. Thanks for all you do!
